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Notre Dame Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium

July 20, 2022 at 9:30 am
Galleria, Jordan Hall of Science

Undergraduate students conducting summer research in collaboration with Notre Dame faculty are invited to participate in professional development and networking events sponsored by REU and Fellowship programs in the Wireless Institute, College of Engineering, College of Science, Notre Dame International, Notre Dame Research, and The Graduate School. These events are designed to support undergraduate education and prepare students for the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, where students will present their research projects to a broader audience.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022
9:30-10:30 a.m.  Poster Session #1
10:45-11:45 a.m. Poster Session #2
Galleria, Jordan Hall of Science
Notre Dame undergraduate research programs are hosting a combined poster session for student researchers to present their summer research projects. This event includes students from programs at the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College, including the Center for Research Computing, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry and Physics at Saint Mary’s, Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society, ND Energy, ND International, NDnano, The Graduate School, The Naughton Fellowships, Wireless Institute, and more.

Participation is open to all undergraduate researchers at Notre Dame, as well as some high school students. Students will submit an abstract and prepare and print a research poster for display and presentation during the symposium. Students will present their posters during one of two hour-long sessions to provide time for them to support fellow researchers and learn about other research projects from students presenting in the alternative session.

Participant Schedule

All presenters should plan to follow the schedule outlined below on the day of the event. Attire is business casual.

9:00-9:15 a.m. Set up Posters
9:30-10:30  a.m. Poster Session #1
10:45-11:45 a.m. Poster Session #2


Attendance is open to the entire Notre Dame community and the general public. Notre Dame faculty, students, and staff are encouraged to attend to show their support for undergraduate research at Notre Dame. Presenters are encouraged to invite their research groups, family, and friends. A final roster, including a presentation schedule and abstract book, will be posted here prior to the event. To learn more about the annual research symposium, view previous rosters and abstract books at the following links:  2021 2020 schedule 2020 abstracts2019

Event Sponsors

Current event sponsors and representatives are listed below. For questions or more information, please contact any of these representatives.

Center for Research Computing, Contact: Laura Kresnak
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Contact: Lisa Ellam
College of Engineering (Naughton Fellowships), Contact: Kaitlyn Stankiewicz
Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society, Contact: Katie Liu
ND Energy (Slatt Fellowships), Contact:  Barbara Villarosa
NDnano (Fellowships), Contact: Heidi Deethardt
Notre Dame International (iSURE), Contacts: Amber Li and Kailey Preston
The Graduate School (Summer Research Opportunities Program), Contacts: John Lowry and Julaine Zenk
The Wireless Institute, Contact: Tiffanie Sammons

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