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6G Global Summit

September 16, 2022 at 8:20 am
Virtual Event

We are excited to announce that Professor Monisha Ghosh, University of Notre Dame and Notre Dame’s Wireless Institute, is participating in session 5ii – The role of sharing and innovative licensing in meeting the needs of 6G, as part of the 6G Global Summit on Friday, September 16, 2022, from 8:20 am – 9:30 am (ET).

Session 5ii – The role of sharing and innovative licensing in meeting the needs of 6G

Moderated by Elena Scaramuzzi, Head of Global Research, Cullen International. Going Gosh on the panel are Chris Woolford – Director, International Spectrum Policy, Ofcom; Dave Wright – Head of Global Wireless Policy, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE); Li Guangyi – Leading Specialist and 6G Director, China Mobile.

Regulators will have to balance the need to find spectrum for 6G with the continued demand for additional spectrum for 5G and intensified competition from a diverse range of both existing and new players. Against this backdrop, and also considering the fact that it seems very likely that 6G is going to require large blocks of contiguous spectrum in an already highly crowded ecosystem, it will be impossible to meet these needs through the identification of new bands. There is also going to need to be a focus on innovative new sharing and licensing models in order to meet the required connectivity. This session will explore the expected evolution of spectrum sharing and licensing and more broadly at how the framework governing access to spectrum may evolve as we move towards the era of 6G.

  • What work is being done around the world on the development of new and innovative approaches of spectrum sharing to meet the needs of B5G and 6G?
  • What role will spectrum sharing in both existing and new bands play in future 6G development?
  • What advancements in technologies (such as Next Generation Massive MIMO & AI Driven Systems) are being seen and are expected to be seen in coming years in order to increase the feasibility and efficiency of spectrum sharing?
  • Beyond sharing, what innovative new licencing models and approaches can help deliver the required connectivity for the numerous use cases that are expected to be enabled by 6G?
  • How may regulators have to adapt traditional methods of assigning and licencin spectrum and what innovative new ways of using the spectrum in these bands could be used?
  • To what extent can advancements in technologies such as Next Generation Massive MIMO & AI Driven Systems help to optimise

5G Global Summit Registration

September 15-16, 2022

6:30 am – 11:20 am (ET)


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