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Notre Dame Radio Society Annual Fox Hunt 5/29/19

May 29, 2019 at 5:30 pm

South Gate of the Notre Dame Stadium

Join us for the annual Notre Dame Radio Society (NDRS) Fox Hunt or Hidden Transmitter Search. It’s a great opportunity to learn about radios and how radio waves work. In a typical foxhunt, a very small, very low power transmitter is hidden. Hunters take on the task of searching for and finding it in a limited amount of time and coverage area.


Finding hidden transmitters can be a great sport but searching out and finding radio signals can also be a useful skill. Your transmitter finding skills can be put to use in search and rescue, finding interference such as a leaky cable television tap, or faulty power line connections.


Come for a couple of hours of fun, learning, and prizes. Refreshments will be provided. For more information email or visit Notre Dame Radio Society.

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