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Notre Dame Radio Society

Amateur radio has a long history at Notre Dame, including the first successful long-distance radio transmission by Jerome Green in 1899. He hung an antenna from the top of the basilica and transmitted to the Saint Mary’s campus with self-built equipment. In order to ensure that this tradition continues, we have formed the Notre Dame Radio Society (NDRS). This organization, sponsored by the Wireless Institute, will focus on the Amateur Radio portion of the wireless spectrum. We are an official ARRL club, and currently, operate a 70cm band repeater (ND1U) on 443.350 +5MHz 131.8.

Several years ago, Electrical Engineering students were interested in establishing a student club for Amateur Radio (HAM Radio) here at the university. With the help of faculty and staff, this was accomplished. But, after the students who were the main driving force behind this effort graduated and moved on, the student club died. There were some things that did not go away from that era. During that time, the Jerome Green Amateur Radio Station was installed and placed into operation (ND1U). NDRS has assumed responsibility for maintaining the station as one of its functions.

NDRS strives to be a sustainable replacement for the now-defunct student club to supply a resource for any students who are involved in, or show an interest in, amateur radio. NDRS does not rely on being a student club. Faculty, staff, and alumni provide the core framework for the daily operation without the constant flux of ever-changing student participation. Students may be involved as much or as little as they prefer.

Several programs have been discussed and may be added to NDRS. A few of those programs are listed below:

  • ARISS contacts – contact with the International Space Station via HAM radio. This can be on campus or partnering with a local K-12 school system.
  • Foxhunts – hidden transmitter hunts.
  • Maker Fairs – building and showcasing projects related to HAM radio.
  • HAM radio classes and testing.
  • Collaboration with other university HAM radio clubs.
  • a. Partnering with other established groups – Many universities have clubs.
  • b. Working with other local schools such as Ivy Tech and IUSB.
  • If you are interested in joining NDRS or would like additional information, please email